Acorn / RISC OS links

  • contains a great many RISC OS CDs as part of the “CD-ROM Software” archives
    • Good search terms: Subject: "RISC OS"
    • Acorn User
      • CD 1, April 1995 (including AU and Acorn Computing cover discs from April 1990 to April 1995, ARM datasheets and the Acorn FTP site)
      • CD 2, July 1996 (AU cover discs from March 1995 to June 1996)
      • CD 3, December 1997 (AU cover discs from August 1996 to September 1997, HyperStudio demo)
        • This seems to skip July 1996
      • CD 4, November 1998 (AU cover discs from December 1997 to September 1998)
      • CD 5, January 1999 (AU January 1999 cover disc, 7 movie trailers in Replay format)
      • CD 6, June 1999 (AU February 1999 cover disc)
      • CD 7, February 2000 (AU June 1999 cover disc, archive of the AU website)
      • CD 8, March 2000 (AU discs from May 1999 to November 1999, mirrors of the AU, Castle, Clares, Paul Vigay, RISC OS Ltd and RISCStation websites)
      • CD 9, May 2000 (Missing AU discs from previous CDs – July 1996, August 1997, December 1998, Christmas 1998, March 1999, April 1999; Current cover discs – March 2000 and April 2000)
      • CD 10, August 2000 (lots of formerly-commercial games, mirrors of Acorn Gaming, ANS, Cerilica, Code Craft, RISCStation, Simnett Technology and Tony Houghton)
      • CD 11, December 2000 “The Programmer�39;s CD”. Website mirrors include Fortran Friends, the Pinknoise technical documents site, and the Zap and StrongED text editors.
      • CD 12, January 2001 “The Music CD” and updates to the “Programmer�39;s CD”. Includes website mirror of Heyrick.
      • CD 13, April 2001 – Draw tutorial, graphics utilities.
      • CD 14, July 2001 – Pictures from Wakefield 2001, images from NSSDC Space Imagery, website mirrors of organisations which use RISC OS, Abel Gratis/VISP, Grey Electronics, Morgo.
      • Archimedes World CDs 1 and 2
      • Clares Rhapsody2 (full version)
      • MacFS Lite
      • Audioworks and Compression reader (Computer Concepts)
        • There�39;s a later version of Audioworks on the Risc User CDs
      • Acorn “Clan” floppy discs
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  • Last modified: 2021/01/04 21:46
  • by philpem